GKSSA - Contacts for the 2003 Outdoor Season

This page is an archived snapshot of history.
The people on this page may no longer be associated with the league or teams listed below.
Please do not contact them about league inquiries unless they are listed on the current contact page.

GKSSA Board of Directors

A Division Teams
Calabria ItaliaMark AllenN/A
Kelsey's UnitedUgur BerkokN/A
Pilot House ChievoHenk KuchleinN/A
Portuguese BenficaCaterina MacedoN/A
Rangers IAaron ElliotN/A
Remax Grizzly'sSpiro SakellN/A
SH JuventusFil ScarpazzaN/A
SportingMarty BragaN/A
Yellow FeverFrank VellaN/A

B Division Teams
Cataraqui ICiaran BoyleN/A
Cocamo FCHernan ParadaN/A
Cocamo NoonersBill LucasN/A
KYSA KicksRoss UnderhillN/A
Leeds UnitedJason ThompsonN/A
LoyalistAndrea GloverN/A
PegasusSavas KekkasN/A
Quality TransferDavid VisserN/A
Queen's InnSteve TamasiN/A
Vita SCVita CutronaN/A

C Division Teams
BombardierFred GeorgeadisN/A
BrandeesWalter HammerN/A
Cataraqui IICiaran BoyleN/A
Cataraqui IIICiaran BoyleN/A
Clippers IITom GencarelliN/A
Cocamo RangersMark PragerN/A
Cosme AutoFlo RodriguesN/A
Jankins FCKin LeungN/A
Loyal OarsmanRay KenneyN/A
Portuguese Benfica OTTony TavaresN/A
The PortsMark MerizziN/A
ValhallaShawn WattersN/A

If you have corrections to any of the above information,
contact .

Problems with the web site? Suggestions?

Thank you.